Sefar by Yassir


πŸ“‹ Requirements #

  • minSdk: 23 or higher
  • AGP (Android Gradle Plugin): version 8.2.1 or higher
  • compileSdk: 34 or higher

πŸš€ Getting Started #

  1. Add Repository: Ensure you have the Design System repository added to your project’s settings.gradle file.
repositories {
  maven {
    url = uri(path = "")
    credentials {
      username = System.getenv("GITHUB_USER")
      password = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
  1. Enable desugaring: Update your build.gradle file if necessary.
android {
  compileOptions {
    isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true

dependencies {

Check out the documentation for more details -> LINK

  1. Add Dependency: Include the Design System dependency in your module’s build.gradle file. Or if you are using a newer Gradle configuration, then add it to settings.gradle
implementation("com.yassir.ux:design-system:{latest stable package version}")

Usage #


setContentView(R.layout. ...)


setContent {
   YassirTheme {

Start consuming the DS library



Icons are separated in multiple libraries according to there usage. For example if you need to load the Maps library you will need to implement its library ex:

implementation "com.yassir.ux:icons-maps:{latest stable package version}"

To consume the previous example icon library

ex.: MapsIcons.Map
Image(painter = painterResource(id = MapsIcons.Map), contentDescription = "")