📝 Usage #
All the components are ready to use out-of-the-box.
Yassir Theme #
YassirTheme {
modifier = Modifier
) {
text = "Hello from Yassir Theme!",
style = YassirTheme.typography.heading4,
color = YassirTheme.colors.labelNeutralDefault,
Accordion #
modifier = Modifier // optional
headingText = "Heading",
bodyText = "Body Text ".repeat(50), // optional
headerIconResId = ContentIcons.Document, // optional
customContent = { Text("Change me!") } // optional
- For more details visit Accordion documentation
Avatar #
- Initials Avatar
modifier = Modifier, // optional
name = "Foo Bar",
size = AvatarSize.Large,
isFocused = true, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
badge = {}, // optional
hasTwoInitials = false // optional
- Image Avatar
modifier = Modifier, // optional
imageUrl = null, // optional
resourceId = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional
size = AvatarSize.Medium,
isFocused = false, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
badge = {} // optional
- Icon Avatar
size = AvatarSize.Small,
modifier = Modifier, // optional
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_user, // optional
isFocused = false, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
badge = {} // optional
- For more details visit Avatars documentation
Avatar Group #
val listOfAvatars = listOf(
avatarType = AvatarType.Initials, //Icon, Image, Initials variants
name = "John Doe", // optional (for Initials variant)
imageUrl = null, // optional (for Image variant)
iconRes = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional (for Icon variant)
imageRes = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional (for Image variant)
hasTwoInitials = false // optional (for Initials variant)
AvatarGroup (
modifier = Modifier,
avatars= listOfAvatars,
size = AvatarSize.Large
- For more details visit Avatar Group documentation
Backdrop #
- Carousel Dot State
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_5), // optional
backDropType = BackdropType.EmptyState(
illustrationResIds = listOf(
message = "Top up 1",
description = "check 1"
), IllustrationInfo(
message = "Top up 2",
description = "check 2"
), IllustrationInfo(
message = "Top up 3",
description = "check 3",
carouselIndicatorType = CarouselIndicatorType.Black, // optional
carouselIndicatorStyle = CarouselIndicatorStyle.Dot, // optional
backdropHeaderItem = BackdropHeaderItem(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
tabsList = tabsList,
onBackClick = {},
), // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Teritary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
isVisible = true, // optional
screenState = ScreenState.FullScreen, // optional
windowInsets = WindowInsets(0, 0, 0, 0), // optional
containerColor = YassirTheme.colors.surfaceNeutralHigh, // optional
isSecondaryButtonNegative = false, // optional
sheetState = SheetState(
skipPartiallyExpanded = true,
density = LocalDensity.current,
initialValue = SheetValue.Expanded
), // optional
onDismissRequest = {},
onCloseClick = null // optional
- Carousel Line State
modiefier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_5), // optional
backDropType = BackdropType.EmptyState(
illustrationResIds = listOf(
message = "Top up 1",
description = "check 1"
), IllustrationInfo(
message = "Top up 2",
description = "check 2"
), IllustrationInfo(
message = "Top up 3",
description = "check 3",
carouselIndicatorType = CarouselIndicatorType.White, // optional
carouselIndicatorStyle = CarouselIndicatorStyle.Line, // optional
backdropHeaderItem = BackdropHeaderItem(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
tabsList = tabsList,
onBackClick = {},
), // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Teritary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
isVisible = true, // optional
screenState = ScreenState.FullScreen, // optional
windowInsets = WindowInsets(0, 0, 0, 0), // optional
containerColor = YassirTheme.colors.surfaceNeutralHigh, // optional
sheetState = SheetState(
skipPartiallyExpanded = true,
density = LocalDensity.current,
initialValue = SheetValue.Expanded
), // optional
onDismissRequest = { }
- Single Illustration State
modiefier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_5), // optional
backDropType = BackdropType.EmptyState(
illustrationResIds = IllustrationInfo(
message = "Top up 1",
description = "check 1"
backdropHeaderItem = BackdropHeaderItem(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
tabsList = tabsList,
onBackClick = {},
), // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Teritary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
isVisible = true, // optional
screenState = ScreenState.FullScreen, // optional
windowInsets = WindowInsets(0, 0, 0, 0), // optional
containerColor = YassirTheme.colors.surfaceNeutralHigh, // optional
sheetState = SheetState(
skipPartiallyExpanded = true,
density = LocalDensity.current,
initialValue = SheetValue.Expanded
), // optional
onDismissRequest = { }
- CustomState State
modiefier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_5), // optional
backDropType = BackdropType.CustomState(
customContent = {
// create custom component
backdropHeaderItem = BackdropHeaderItem(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
tabsList = tabsList,
onBackClick = {},
), // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Teritary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
isVisible = true, // optional
screenState = ScreenState.FullScreen, // optional
windowInsets = WindowInsets(0, 0, 0, 0), // optional
containerColor = YassirTheme.colors.surfaceNeutralHigh, // optional
sheetState = SheetState(
skipPartiallyExpanded = true,
density = LocalDensity.current,
initialValue = SheetValue.Expanded
), // optional
onDismissRequest = { }
- ListItem State
modiefier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_5), // optional
backDropType = BackdropType.ListItemState(
items = List(50) { index ->
title = "Item Title $index",
description = "description",
formattedAmount = "1000$",
onClick = {}
showScrollbar = true // optional
backdropHeaderItem = BackdropHeaderItem(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
tabsList = tabsList,
onBackClick = {},
), // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Teritary Action",
onClick = {}
), // optional
isVisible = true, // optional
screenState = ScreenState.FullScreen, // optional
windowInsets = WindowInsets(0, 0, 0, 0), // optional
containerColor = YassirTheme.colors.surfaceNeutralHigh, // optional
sheetState = SheetState(
skipPartiallyExpanded = true,
density = LocalDensity.current,
initialValue = SheetValue.Expanded
), // optional
onDismissRequest = { }
- For more details visit Backdrop documentation
Badge #
style = BadgeStyleType.Primary,
badgeText = "1", // optional
colors: YassirColorScheme = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
typography: YassirTypography = YassirTheme.typography, // optional
- For more details visit Badge documentation
Banner #
- Boxed Banner
bannerType = BannerType.Boxed(
label = "Label", // optional
bodyText = "This is the subtitle text of banner.", // optional
style = BannerState.Default,
captionText = "This is the caption text of banner", // optional
captionIconRes = R.drawable.ic_alert_circle, // optional
leadingIconRes = R.drawable.ic_alert_circle, // optional
trailingIconRes = R.drawable.ic_small_x, // optional
isElevated = false, // optional
primaryBannerAction =
text = "Primary Action",
isEnabled = false, // optional
onClick = { /* action */ }
), // optional
secondaryBannerAction =
text = "Secondary action",
isEnabled = false, // optional
onClick = { /* action */ },
), // optional
trailingIconOnClick = { /* action */ }
- FulWidth Banner
bannerType = BannerType.FullWidth(
text = "This is the text of banner",
style = BannerState.Positive,
iconRes = R.drawable.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true // optional
- For more details visit Banner documentation
Bottom Navigation Bar #
val bottomNavigationBarList = listOf(
text = "Tab",
iconRes = R.drawable.ic_alert_circle,
onClick = { /* action */ }
text = "Tabs",
iconRes = R.drawable.ic_lock,
onClick = { /* action */ }
text = "Tab",
iconRes = R.drawable.ic_coins_hand,
onClick = { /* action */ },
badgeText = "2"
onClick = { /* action */ },
list = bottomNavigationBarList,
selectedItemIndex = 1, // optional
onItemSelected = { }
- For more details visit Bottom Navigation Bar documentation
Buttons #
- Floating Action Button
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle,
enabled = true, // optional
label = "label", // optional
loading = true, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Top, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle,
enabled = true, // optional
label = "label", // optional
loading = true, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Bottom, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle,
enabled = true, // optional
label = "label", // optional
loading = true, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Top, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle,
enabled = true, // optional
label = "label", // optional
loading = true, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Top, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle,
enabled = true, // optional
label = "label", // optional
loading = true, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Bottom, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
For more details visit Floating Action Buttons documentation
- Icon Buttons
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
clickable = true, // optional
isShadowOnTop = false, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Small, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
iconSize = 5.dp // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
clickable = true, // optional
isShadowOnTop = false, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Medium, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
iconSize = 5.dp // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
clickable = true, // optional
isShadowOnTop = false, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Large, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
iconSize = 5.dp // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
clickable = true, // optional
isShadowOnTop = false, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.ExtraLarge, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
iconSize = 5.dp // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
clickable = true, // optional
isShadowOnTop = false, // optional
elevationStyle = null, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Small, // optional
contentDescription = "content_description", // optional
iconSize = 5.dp // optional
For more details visit Icon Buttons documentation
- Increment Button
var showProgressIndicator by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
modifier = modifier, // optional
enabled = areButtonsEnabled, // optional
loading = showProgressIndicator, // optional
trashState = true, // optional
minValue = 1, // optional
maxValue = 5, // optional
defaultValue = 1, // optional
elevationStyle = ElevationStyle.Light1, // optional
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Top, // optional
onTrashClicked = { Toast.makeText(context, "Trash Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } // optional
For more details visit Increment Buttons documentation
- Text Button
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
text = "text",
loading = true, // optional
expanded = true, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
endIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Small, // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
text = "text",
loading = true, // optional
expanded = true, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
endIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.ExtraLarge, // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
text = "text",
isElevated = true, // optional
loading = true, // optional
expanded = true, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
endIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Large, // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
text = "text",
loading = true, // optional
expanded = true, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
endIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Medium, // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
onClick = {},
text = "text",
loading = true, // optional
expanded = true, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
endIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
size = YassirButtonSize.Small, // optional
For more details visit Text Buttons documentation
Cards #
Activity Card #
- Activity Card with Body = Text and Actions = single button
modifier = Modifier, //optional
listItem = ActivityCardListItem(
title = "Title",
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_user, //optional
transactionStatus = TransactionStatus.Pending, //optional
transactionDateTime = Date(), //optional
balance = "1000 DZD" //optional
body = ActivityCardBody.Text("Some Text for Preview"),
actions = ActivityCardActions.Buttons(
firstAction = ActivityAction(
label = "Action",
onClick = {},
isEnabled = true
) //optional
- Activity Card with Body = Address List and Actions = two buttons
modifier = Modifier, //optional
listItem = ActivityCardListItem(
title = "Title",
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_user, //optional
transactionStatus = TransactionStatus.Pending, //optional
transactionDateTime = Date(), //optional
balance = "1000 DZD" //optional
body = ActivityCardBody.AddressList(
locationsList = listOf(
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
actions = ActivityCardActions.Buttons(
firstAction = ActivityAction(
label = "Action",
onClick = {},
isEnabled = true
secondaryAction = ActivityAction(
label = "Action 2",
onClick = {},
isEnabled = true
) //optional
- Activity Card with Body = Address List and Actions = tag and label
modifier = Modifier, //optional
listItem = ActivityCardListItem(
title = "Title",
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_user, //optional
transactionStatus = TransactionStatus.Pending, //optional
transactionDateTime = Date(), //optional
balance = "1000 DZD" //optional
body = ActivityCardBody.AddressList(
locationsList = listOf(
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
Location(name = "Location Name", address = "Location Address"),
actions = ActivityCardActions.Tag(
labelText = "Label", //optional
tagText = "Tag Text", //optional
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_coins_hand //optional
) //optional
For more details visit Activity Card documentation
Horizontal Card #
- Image Aligned
modifier = Modifier, // optional
element = HorizontalCardElement(
image = Image(
resId = R.drawable.flag_algeria_rect,
size = ImageSize.Large
), // optional
titled = Titled(
variant = TitledSectionVariant.Level4,
title = CARD_TITLE,
subtitle = CARD_SUBTITLE,
description = TEXT_ALIGNED_LAYOUT,
caption = CAPTION_TEXT
subElement = SubElement.PriceElement(regularPriceText = REGULAR_PRICE_TEXT), // optional
primary = ActionButton(text = BUY_NOW, onClick = {}), // optional
secondary = SecondaryAction.Button(text = ADD_TO_CART, onClick = {}) // optional
primary2 = ActionButton(text = BUY_NOW, onClick = {}), // optional
layoutCardType = LayoutCardType.ImageAligned // optional
- Text Aligned
modifier = Modifier, // optional
element = HorizontalCardElement(
image = Image(
resId = R.drawable.flag_algeria_rect,
size = ImageSize.Large
), // optional
titled = Titled(
variant = TitledSectionVariant.Level4,
title = CARD_TITLE,
subtitle = CARD_SUBTITLE,
description = TEXT_ALIGNED_LAYOUT,
caption = CAPTION_TEXT
subElement = SubElement.PriceElement(regularPriceText = REGULAR_PRICE_TEXT), // optional
primary = ActionButton(text = BUY_NOW, onClick = {}), // optional
secondary = SecondaryAction.Button(text = ADD_TO_CART, onClick = {}) // optional
primary2 = ActionButton(text = BUY_NOW, onClick = {}), // optional
layoutCardType = LayoutCardType.TextAligned // optional
- For more details visit Horizontal Card documentation
Shop Card #
fun ShopCardExample() {
shopCardDetails = shopCardDetails,
isEnabled = true
fun getShopCardDetails() {
val hasYassirSideElement = false
val shopCardDetails = ShopCardDetails(
text = "Title",
sideElement = if (hasYassirSideElement) {
SideElement.YassirLogo(isDirectlyAdjacent = hasSnugSideElement)
} else {
isDirectlyAdjacent = hasSnugSideElement,
iconResId = DrawableR.ic_plus_circle,
iconLabel = "1"
imageUrl = null, // optional
imageResId = DrawableR.flag_morocco_rect, // optional
leadingElementType = LeadingElementType.ImageAvatar(resourceId = R.drawable.ic_avatar), // optional
desc = "Body", // optional
primaryTag = TagDetails(
text = "New",
startIconResId = R.drawable.ic_map_mark
), // optional
secondaryTag = TagDetails(
text = "Discount",
startIconResId = R.drawable.ic_map_mark
), // optional
disabledTag = TagDetails(
text = "Coming Soon",
startIconResId = R.drawable.ic_map_mark
), // optional
iconButton = IconButtonDetails(
iconResId = MapsIcons.Bus,
contentDescription = null,
) // optional
For more details visit Shop Card documentation
Vertical Card #
- Large Card
element = VerticalCardElement(
title = CARD_TITLE,
image = Image(
resId = R.drawable.ic_avatar,
isEnable = isImageEnable == ImageInput.Enable
priceElement = priceElement, // optional
tagElement = tagElement, // optional
action = SecondaryAction.IncrementButton(type = IncrementButtonType.Animated()) // optional
size = VerticalCardSize.Large
- Small Card
element = VerticalCardElement(
title = CARD_TITLE,
image = Image(
resId = R.drawable.ic_avatar,
isEnable = isImageEnable == ImageInput.Enable
priceElement = priceElement,// optional
tagElement = tagElement,// optional
action = SecondaryAction.IncrementButton(type = IncrementButtonType.Animated())// optional
size = VerticalCardSize.Small
- For more details visit Vertical Card documentation
Charts #
Bar Chart #
- Categorical Bar Chart
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2), //optional
xAxisValues = getSampleCategoricalXAxisValues(),
yAxisValues = getSampleCategoricalYAxisValues(),
datasets = getSampleCategoricalBarChartDatasets(),
showGridLines = true, //optional
shouldRotateXAxisLabels = false, //optional
private fun getSampleCategoricalXAxisValues() =
listOf("Jan", "Feb").map { AxisValue.Categorical(it) }
private fun getSampleCategoricalYAxisValues() =
listOf("Low", "Medium", "High").map { AxisValue.Categorical(it) }
private fun getSampleCategoricalBarChartDatasets(): List<Dataset> {
val categories = listOf("Jan", "Feb")
val yCategories = listOf("Low", "Medium", "High")
val dataPoints1 =
categories.mapIndexed { index, category ->
x = AxisValue.Categorical(category),
y = AxisValue.Categorical(yCategories[index % yCategories.size]),
val dataPoints2 =
categories.mapIndexed { index, category ->
x = AxisValue.Categorical(category),
y = AxisValue.Categorical(yCategories.reversed()[index % yCategories.size]),
val dataset1 = Dataset(points = dataPoints1, label = "Dataset 1")
val dataset2 = Dataset(points = dataPoints2, label = "Dataset 2")
return listOf(dataset1, dataset2)
- Numerical Bar Chart
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2), //optional
xAxisValues = getSampleNumericXAxisValues(),
yAxisValues = getSampleNumericYAxisValues(),
datasets = getSampleBarChartDatasets(),
showGridLines = true, //optional
shouldRotateXAxisLabels = false, //optional
private fun getSampleNumericXAxisValues() = (1..7).map { AxisValue.Numeric(it.toFloat()) }
private fun getSampleNumericYAxisValues() = (0..7).map { AxisValue.Numeric(it * 10f) }
private fun getSampleBarChartDatasets(): List<Dataset> {
val dataset1Points =
(1..7).map {
x = AxisValue.Numeric(it.toFloat()),
y = AxisValue.Numeric((it * 10f).toFloat()),
val dataset2Points =
(1..7).map {
x = AxisValue.Numeric(it.toFloat()),
y = AxisValue.Numeric(((8 - it) * 10f).toFloat()),
val dataset1 = Dataset(points = dataset1Points, label = "Dataset 1")
val dataset2 = Dataset(points = dataset2Points, label = "Dataset 2")
return listOf(dataset1, dataset2)
For more details visit Bar Chart documentation
Line Chart #
- Categorical Line Chart
xAxisValues = getSampleCategoricalXAxisValues(),
yAxisValues = getSampleCategoricalYAxisValues(),
datasets = getSampleCategoricalDatasets(),
shouldShadeArea = true,
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1), //optional
shouldRotateXAxisLabels = true, //optional
showGridLines = true, //optional
private fun getSampleCategoricalXAxisValues() = listOf("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July").map { AxisValue.Categorical(it) }
private fun getSampleCategoricalYAxisValues() = listOf("V. Low", "Low", "Low M.", "Medium", "Medium H.", "High", "V. High").map { AxisValue.Categorical(it) }
private fun getSampleCategoricalDatasets(): List<Dataset> {
val xCategories = listOf("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July")
val staticYValues = listOf(
listOf("Low", "Medium", "High", "Medium H.", "Medium", "Low M.", "V. Low"),
listOf("Medium", "Medium H.", "High", "V. High", "High", "Medium H.", "Medium"),
listOf("V. Low", "Low", "Low M.", "Medium", "Medium H.", "High", "V. High"),
listOf("High", "High", "Medium H.", "Medium", "Low M.", "Low", "V. Low"),
listOf("Medium H.", "High", "V. High", "High", "Medium H.", "Medium", "Low M."),
listOf("Low M.", "Medium", "Medium H.", "High", "V. High", "High", "Medium H."),
listOf("V. HighF", "High", "Medium H.", "Medium", "Low M.F", "Low", "V. Low"),//V. HighF & Low M. are intentionally added to represent wrong data
listOf("Low", "Low M.", "Medium", "Medium H.", "High", "V. High", "High")
return staticYValues.mapIndexed { index, yValues ->
val points = { (x, y) ->
DataPoint(AxisValue.Categorical(x), AxisValue.Categorical(y))
val label = "Dataset ${index + 1}"
Dataset(points = points, label = label)
- Numerical Line Chart
xAxisValues = getSampleNumericXAxisValues(),
yAxisValues = getSampleNumericYAxisValues(),
datasets = getSampleNumericDatasets(),
shouldShadeArea = false,
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1), //optional
shouldRotateXAxisLabels = false, //optional
showGridLines = false, //optional
private fun getSampleNumericXAxisValues() =
(1..7).map {
x -> AxisValue.Numeric(
value = x.toFloat(),
showAsInteger = true) //optional
private fun getSampleNumericYAxisValues() =
(1..7).map { y ->
value = (y * 10f),
suffix = "k", //optional
showAsInteger = true) //optional
private fun getSampleNumericDatasets(): List<Dataset> {
val staticYValues = listOf(
listOf(10f, 2f, 30f, 40f, 50f, 60f, 78f), //78 is intentionally added to represent data outside the grid
listOf(12f, 28f, 20f, 33f, 35f, 44f, 51f),
listOf(-25f, 2f, 5f, 43f, 55f, 57f, 65f), //-25 is intentionally added to represent data outside the grid
listOf(10f, 20f, 15f, 25f, 30f, 35f, 45f),
listOf(30f, 45f, 35f, 50f, 40f, 55f, 65f),
listOf(20f, 30f, 25f, 35f, 40f, 50f, 60f),
listOf(25f, 35f, 30f, 40f, 45f, 55f, 65f),
listOf(15f, 25f, 20f, 30f, 35f, 45f, 55f)
val xValues = (1..7).map { it.toFloat() }
return staticYValues.mapIndexed { index, yValues ->
val points = { (x, y) ->
DataPoint(AxisValue.Numeric(x), AxisValue.Numeric(y))
val label = "Dataset ${index + 1}"
Dataset(points = points, label = label)
For more details visit Line Chart documentation
Pie Chart #
- Full Pie Chart
val chartSlices = List(4) { index ->
label = "Slice ${index + 1}",
value = (index + 1) * 5f,
slices = chartSlices,
type = PieChartType.Full(showLabels = false),
onSliceClick = { index ->
Toast.makeText(context, "selectedIndex :$index", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
- Thick Pie Chart
val chartSlices = List(4) { index ->
label = "Slice ${index + 1}",
value = (index + 1) * 5f,
slices = chartSlices,
type = PieChartType.Thick(showLabels = true),
onSliceClick = { index ->
Toast.makeText(context, "selectedIndex :$index", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
- Thin Pie Chart
val chartSlices = List(4) { index ->
label = "Slice ${index + 1}",
value = (index + 1) * 5f,
slices = chartSlices,
type = PieChartType.Thin(showLabels = true, showValues = true),
onSliceClick = { index ->
Toast.makeText(context, "selectedIndex :$index", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
For more details visit Pie Chart documentation
Chips #
- Plain Single Chip with no Leading Element
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), // optional
size = YassirChipSize.Large,
chipItem = ChipItem.Plain(
text = text,
counterValue = 50, // optional
isEnabled = isEnabled, // optional
isSelected = isSelected, // optional
onClick = { isSelected = isSelected.not() }, // optional
onClearIconClick = if (hasClearIcon) {
} else {
{ isCleared = true }
}, // optional
shape = RoundedCornerShape(size = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_75) // optional
- Single Chip with Icon as Leading Element
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), // optional
size = YassirChipSize.Small,
chipItem = ChipItem.Icon(
text = text,
iconResourceId = DrawableR.ic_coins_hand,
counterValue = null, // optional
isEnabled = isEnabled, // optional
isSelected = isSelected, // optional
onClick = { isSelected = isSelected.not() }, // optional
onClearIconClick = if (hasClearIcon) {
} else {
{ isCleared = true }
}, // optional
shape = RoundedCornerShape(size = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_75) // optional
- Single Chip with Image Avatar as Leading Element
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), // optional
size = YassirChipSize.Small,
chipItem = ChipItem.ImageAvatar(
text = text,
imageUrl = "", // optional
counterValue = 50, // optional
isEnabled = isEnabled, // optional
isSelected = isSelected, // optional
onClick = { isSelected = isSelected.not() }, // optional
onClearIconClick = if (hasClearIcon) {
} else {
{ isCleared = true }
}, // optional
shape = RoundedCornerShape(size = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_75) // optional
- Chip Filter
val listOfChips = (1..7).forEach {
text = text,
imageUrl = "", // optional
counterValue = 50, // optional
isEnabled = isEnabled, // optional
isSelected = isSelected, // optional
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), // optional
chipElements = listOfChips,
size = chipSelectedSize,
allowMultipleSelection = allowMultipleSelection, // optional
allowHorizontalScrolling = allowHorizontalScrolling, // optional,
shape = RoundedCornerShape(size = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing0_75), // optional
onElementClick = { chipItem -> } // optional
- Chip Group
val listOfChips = (1..7).forEach {
text = text,
counterValue = 50, // optional
isEnabled = isEnabled, // optional
isSelected = isSelected, // optional
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally), // optional
chipElements = listOfChips,
size = YassirChipSize.Small,
onElementClick = { chipItem -> } // optional
- For more details visit Chips documentation
Date & Time Pickers #
Date Picker #
- Single Selection
val selectedDates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Date>() }
val datePickerProperties = DatePickerProperties(
primaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Primary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
secondaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Secondary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.SUNDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.FRIDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.FEBRUARY, year = 2023),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.NOVEMBER, year = 2035),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.OCTOBER, year = 2024), // optional
yearDialogTitle = ¨Year¨, // optional
monthDialogTitle = ¨Month¨, // optional
modifier = Modifier,
selectionMode = DateSelectionMode.Single(
isScrollable = false,
isTodayMarked = true,
timeSelectionProperties = TimePickerProperties() // optional if you want time picker to pop up as well after date selection
properties = datePickerProperties,
selectedDates = selectedDates, // optional
updateDateSelection = {
onDismissRequest = {}
- Single Selection - Scrollable
val selectedDates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Date>() }
val datePickerProperties = DatePickerProperties(
primaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Primary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
secondaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Secondary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.SUNDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.FRIDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.FEBRUARY, year = 2023),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.NOVEMBER, year = 2035),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.OCTOBER, year = 2024), // optional
yearDialogTitle = ¨Year¨, // optional
monthDialogTitle = ¨Month¨, // optional
modifier = Modifier,
selectionMode = DateSelectionMode.Single(
isScrollable = true,
isTodayMarked = true,
timeSelectionProperties = TimePickerProperties() // optional if you want time picker to pop up as well after date selection
properties = datePickerProperties,
selectedDates = selectedDates // optional,
updateDateSelection = {
onDismissRequest = {}
- Range Seclection
val selectedDates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Date>() }
val datePickerProperties = DatePickerProperties(
primaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Primary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
secondaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Secondary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.SUNDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.FRIDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.FEBRUARY, year = 2023),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.NOVEMBER, year = 2035),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.OCTOBER, year = 2024), // optional
yearDialogTitle = ¨Year¨, // optional
monthDialogTitle = ¨Month¨, // optional
modifier = Modifier,
selectionMode = DateSelectionMode.Range(isScrollable = false, isTodayMarked = false),
properties = datePickerProperties,
selectedDates = selectedDates, // optional
updateDateSelection = {
onDismissRequest = {}
- Range Seclection - Scrollable
val selectedDates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Date>() }
val datePickerProperties = DatePickerProperties(
primaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Primary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
secondaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Secondary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.SUNDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.FRIDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.FEBRUARY, year = 2023),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.NOVEMBER, year = 2035),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.OCTOBER, year = 2024), // optional
yearDialogTitle = ¨Year¨, // optional
monthDialogTitle = ¨Month¨, // optional
modifier = Modifier,
selectionMode = DateSelectionMode.Range(isScrollable = true, isTodayMarked = false),
properties = datePickerProperties,
selectedDates = selectedDates, // optional
updateDateSelection = {
onDismissRequest = {}
- Multiple Dates Seclection
val selectedDates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Date>() }
val datePickerProperties = DatePickerProperties(
primaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Primary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
secondaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Secondary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.SUNDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.FRIDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.FEBRUARY, year = 2023),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.NOVEMBER, year = 2035),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.OCTOBER, year = 2024), // optional
yearDialogTitle = ¨Year¨, // optional
monthDialogTitle = ¨Month¨, // optional
modifier = Modifier,
selectionMode = DateSelectionMode.Multiple(isTodayMarked = false, showSelectionChips = false),
properties = datePickerProperties,
selectedDates = selectedDates, // optional
updateDateSelection = {
onDismissRequest = {}
- Multiple Dates Seclection - With Selection Chips
val selectedDates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Date>() }
val datePickerProperties = DatePickerProperties(
primaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Primary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
secondaryAction = ButtonAction(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context,"Secondary Action Clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.SUNDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.FRIDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.FEBRUARY, year = 2023),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.NOVEMBER, year = 2035),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.OCTOBER, year = 2024), // optional
yearDialogTitle = ¨Year¨, // optional
monthDialogTitle = ¨Month¨, // optional
modifier = Modifier,
selectionMode = DateSelectionMode.Multiple(isTodayMarked = true, showSelectionChips = true),
properties = datePickerProperties,
selectedDates = selectedDates, // optional
updateDateSelection = {
onDismissRequest = {}
- For more details visit Date Picker documentation
Month Picker #
modifier = Modifier, // optional
startMonth = 4, // optional
endMonth = 11,
onDismissRequest = { },
selectedMonth = 10, // optional
onMonthSelected = { }
For more details visit Month Picker documentation
Time Picker #
timePickerProperties = TimePickerProperties(
timeFormat = TimeFormat.HOUR_24, // optional, default is TimeFormat.HOUR_24
minutesIncrement = TimeMinutesIncrement.ONE, // optional, default is TimeMinutesIncrement.ONE
startTime = Calendar.getInstance(), // optional, default is the current time
minTime = Calendar.getInstance().apply { // optional, default is start of the day (00:00)
set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0)
set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0)
set(Calendar.SECOND, 0)
set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
maxTime = Calendar.getInstance().apply { // optional, default is end of the day (23:59:59.999)
set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23)
set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59)
set(Calendar.SECOND, 59)
set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999)
titleText = "Time", // optional, default is "Time"
applyButtonText = "Apply", // optional, default is "Apply"
cancelButtonText = "Cancel", // optional, default is "Cancel"
onSnappedTime = { snappedTime, timeFormat -> /* Handle snapped time here */ }, // optional, default is an empty function
onChevronIconClick = { /* Handle chevron icon click here */ }, // optional, default is an empty function
onDismissRequest = { /* Handle dismiss request here */ }, // required, no default
onApply = { selectedTime -> /* Handle apply action here */ }, // required, no default
onCancel = { /* Handle cancel action here */ } // required, no default
For more details visit Time Picker documentation
Year Picker #
modifier = Modifier,// optional
startYear = 2000, // optional
endYear = 2066,
onDismissRequest = { },
selectedYear = 2024, // optional
onYearSelected = { }
For more details visit Year Picker documentation
Divider #
- Simple Default
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Simple.Default,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
- Simple Left Aligned
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Simple.LeftAligned,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
- Simple Right Aligned
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Simple.RightAligned,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
- Simple Horizontally Aligned
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Simple.HorizontalAligned,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
- Doubled
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Doubled,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
- Thick
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Thick,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
- Dotted
modifier = Modifier.background(color = YassirTheme.colors.outlineLowAlternative), // optional
dividerType = DividerType.Dotted,
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
- For more details visit Divider documentation
Flags #
- Circular Flag
countryCode = "TN",
modifier = modifier, // optional
size = FlagSize.Small, // optional
contentDescription = "" // optional
- Rectangular Flag
countryCode = "SA",
modifier = Modifier, // optional
size = FlagSize.Medium, // optional
contentDescription = "" // optional
Supported Countries #
Country | Country Code |
🇩🇿 Algeria | DZ |
🇨🇦 Canada | CA |
🇪🇬 Egypt | EG |
🇪🇺 European Union | EU |
🇫🇷 France | FR |
🇩🇪 Germany | DE |
🇬🇧 Great Britain | GB |
🇮🇹 Italy | IT |
🇲🇦 Morocco | MA |
🇳🇱 Netherlands | NL |
🇶🇦 Qatar | QA |
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia | SA |
🇸🇳 Senegal | SN |
🇿🇦 South Africa | ZA |
🇪🇸 Spain | ES |
🇹🇳 Tunisia | TN |
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates | AE |
🇺🇸 United States | US |
- For more details visit Flags documentation
Image PlaceHolder #
- Portrait
Box {
aspectRatio = AspectRatio.Square,
orientation = Orientation.Portrait,
resId = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional
url = null, // optional,
contentDescription = null // optional
- Landscape
Box {
aspectRatio = AspectRatio.Landscape,
orientation = Orientation.Portrait,
resId = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional
url = null, // optional,
contentDescription = null // optional
- For more details visit Image Placeholder documentation
Input Fields #
Address Field #
- Departure Address Field
var value by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1), // optional
addressFieldType = AddressFieldType.Departure(
leadingIcon = leadingAddressFieldLeadingIcon.Flag, // optional
label = "label", // optional
hint = "hint", // optional
enabled = true,
value = value,
errorMessage = "Field can't be empty", // optional
onValueChange = { value = it },
- Stop Address Field
var value by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1), // optional
addressFieldType = AddressFieldType.Stop(
leadingIcon = AddressFieldLeadingIcon.MarkerPin, // optional
label = "label", // optional
hint = "hint", // optional
hasTrailingDragIcon = true, // optional
onDragStart = {}, // optional
onDrag = {}, // optional
onDragEnd = {}, // optional
onDragReposition = {}, // optional
onAddActionClick = {} // optional
enabled = true,
value = "",
errorMessage = "Field can't be empty", // optional
onValueChange = { value = it },
- Destination Address Field
var value by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1), // optional
addressFieldType = AddressFieldType.Destination(
leadingIcon = AddressFieldLeadingIcon.DoubleLocationPins, // optional
label = "label", // optional
hint = "hint", // optional
hasTrailingDragIcon = true, // optional
onDragStart = {}, // optional
onDrag = {}, // optional
onDragEnd = {}, // optional
onDragReposition = {}, // optional
onAddActionClick = {} // optional
enabled = true,
value = "",
errorMessage = "Field can't be empty", // optional
onValueChange = { value = it },
- For more details visit Address Field documentation
Credit Card Input Field #
modifier = Modifier, // optional
cardNumberFieldProperties = cardNumberFieldProperties,
expiryDateFieldProperties = expiryDateFieldProperties,
cvvFieldProperties = cvvFieldProperties,
enabled = true, // optional
val cardNumberFieldProperties =
cardNumberValue = "",
onCardNumberChange = {newCardNumber -> },
onScannerClick = null, // Implement this lamda only if you are going to implemet the credit card scanner
cardNumberHint = null,
cardNumberFieldIsEnabled = true,
cardNumberFieldHasError = false,
val expiryDateFieldProperties =
expiryDateValue = "",
onExpiryDateChange = {newExpiryDate -> },
expiryDateHint = null,
expiryDateFieldHasError = false,
val cvvFieldProperties =
cvvValue = "",
onCvvChange = {newCVV -> },
For more details visit Credit Card Input documentation
Currency Input Field #
modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1_5), // optional
value = "text",
onValueChange = { },
regionCode = "DZ",
currencyCode = "DZD",
formattedBalance = "3000 DZD",
enabled = true, // optional
hasError = false, // optional
hint = AnnotatedString("This is an example hint"), // optional
onImeAction = { /* action */ }, // optional
placeholder = "0", // optional
clickableHint = "HyperLink", // optional
onHintClick = {}, // optional
imeAction = ImeAction.Default, // optional
For more details visit Currency Input documentation
Date Field #
modifier = Modifier, // optional
label = "Select a date",
enabled = true,
hasError = false,
hint = "Hint",
fieldProperties = fieldProperties,
datePickerProperties = datePickerProperties,
onDateChanged = { date ->
Toast.makeText(context, "Date changed: $date", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val datePickerProperties =
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.MONDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.SATURDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.JANUARY, year = 2022),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.DECEMBER, year = 2026),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.JANUARY, year = 2024),
showActionButtons = showActionButtons,
val dateFieldProperties =
initialValue = Date(),
hasCalendarIcon = hasTrailingIcon,
For more details visit Date Field documentation
Date Range Field #
modifier = Modifier, // optional
label = "Select Date Range",
enabled = true,
hasError = false,
hint = "hint",
fromFieldProperties = fromFieldProperties,
toFieldProperties = toFieldProperties,
datePickerProperties = datePickerProperties,
onDateChanged = { dates ->
Toast.makeText(context, "Date range changed: $dates", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val fromFieldProperties =
initialValue = Date().takeIf { hasInitialValue },
hasCalendarIcon = hasTrailingIcon,
val toFieldProperties =
initialValue =
Calendar.getInstance().apply {add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1)}.time.takeIf { hasInitialValue },
hasCalendarIcon = hasTrailingIcon,
For more details visit Date Range Field documentation
DateTime Field #
modifier = Modifier, //optional
dateTimeFieldProperties = dateTimeInputFieldProperties, //optional
timeFieldProperties = timeInputFieldProperties, //optional
dateFieldProperties = dateInputFieldProperties, //optional
timePickerProperties = timeFieldSelectionProperties, //optional
datePickerProperties = dateFieldSelectionProperties,
onDateTimeChanged: (Date?, Date?) -> Unit = { date, time -> },
val dateTimeInputFieldProperties =
label = "DateTime Input",
enabled = true,
hasError = false,
hint = null,
val timeInputFieldProperties =
initialValue = Date().takeIf { hasInitialValue },
hasClockIcon = hasTrailingIcon,
val dateInputFieldProperties =
initialValue = Date().takeIf { hasInitialValue },
hasCalendarIcon = hasTrailingIcon,
val timePickerProperties =
timeFormat = TimeFormat.HOUR_24,
minutesIncrement = TimeMinutesIncrement.ONE,
startTime = Calendar.getInstance(),
fromTime = null,
toTime = null,
titleText = null,
val datePickerProperties =
startDayOfWeek = Weekday.MONDAY,
startDayOfWeekend = Weekday.SATURDAY,
calendarStart = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.JANUARY, year = 2022),
calendarEnd = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.DECEMBER, year = 2026),
selectCalendarMonth = CalendarMonth(month = Calendar.JANUARY, year = 2024),
showActionButtons = showActionButtons,
For more details visit DateTime Field documentation
Dropdown Field Input #
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), // optional, default is Modifier
items = listOf(
DropdownInputItem(text = "Option 1", iconResourceId = R.drawable.ic_option1_icon),
DropdownInputItem(text = "Option 2", avatarResourceId = R.drawable.avatar_option2),
DropdownInputItem(text = "Option 3") // No icon or avatar
selectedItems = mutableListOf(
// Empty list for standard behavior, prefilled list for already pre-selected items being displayed
multiSelect = true,
onItemSelect = { selectedItem ->
// Handle item select logic here
onItemDeselect = { deselectedItem ->
// Handle item deselect logic here
onApply = {
// Handle apply button logic here
onClear = {
// Handle clear button logic here
labelText = "Select Items", // optional, default is null
dropDownText = "Choose from options", // optional, default is null
hintText = "Select one or more options from the dropdown", // optional, default is null
leadingIcon = R.drawable.ic_dropdown_icon, // optional, default is null
isError = false, // optional, default is false
errorText = "An error occurred", // optional, default is null
disabled = false, // optional, default is false
applyButtonText = "Apply Selection", // optional, default is "Apply"
clearButtonText = "Clear All" // optional, default is "Clear filter"
- For more details visit Dropdown Field Input documentation
Generic Input Field #
label = "Email Label", // optional
value = "text",
onValueChange = { text = it },
modifier = Modifier, // optional
enabled = enabled, // optional
hasError = hasError, // optional
showIconOnError = true, // optional
leading = GenericInputDefaults.Empty, // optional
trailing = GenericInputDefaults.Empty, // optional
placeholder = "Placeholder text", // optional
hint = "Hint text", // optional
showScrollBars = true, // optional
shiftTrailingComponent = false, // optional
onHintClick = {}, // optional
forceLtr = true, // optional
cursorAtEnd = false, // optional
textAlign = TextAlign.Start, // optional
maxLines = 1, // optional
fixedHeight = null, // optional
minHeight = 30.dp, // optional
maxHeight = 60.dp, // optional
innerFieldStaticLeadingText = "Test", // optional
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
keyboardType = keyboardType,
imeAction = imeAction
), // optional
keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(
onAny = { /* action */ }
), // optional
labelTextStyle = YassirTheme.typography.bodyLargeBold, // optional
visualTransformation = VisualTransformation.None
For more details visit Generic Input documentation
(PIN/OTP) Code Input Fields #
//PIN Code
modifier = Modifier, // optional
codeType = CodeType.PinCode,
label = "PIN Code", // optional
isError = false, // optional
isEnabled = true, // optional
clearCode = false, // optional
autoFocus = true, // optional
codeLength = CodeInputDefaults.LENGTH, // optional
spaceBetweenCodeCells = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2, // optional
hint = AnnotatedString(hintText), // optional
onHintClick = {}, // optional
resetErrorState = {}, // optional
onCodeFilled = { code ->
/* handle entered PIN code */
colors = YassirTheme.colors // optional
//OTP Code
modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing4), // optional
codeType = CodeType.OtpCode(
initialCode = "456757" //optional
isError = false, // optional
isEnabled = true, // optional
clearCode = false, // optional
autoFocus = true, // optional
codeLength = 6, // optional
spaceBetweenCodeCells = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1_5, // optional
hint = AnnotatedString(hintText), // optional
onHintClick = {}, // optional
resetErrorState = { isError = false }, // optional
onCodeFilled = { code ->
/* handle entered OTP code */
colors = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
label = "OTP Code" // optional
- For more details visit PIN Code Input documentation or OTP Code Input documentation
Phone Input Field #
- with an supported countries list and supported initial country
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
hint = "Phone Number can't be empty!", // optional
hasError = true, // optional
hasLabel = true, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
phoneNumber = "", // optional
isCountrySelectionEnabled = true, // optional
isCountryCodeTextEnabled = true, // optional
hasBackdropHeaderItem = true, // optional
countriesList = SupportedCountries.entries, // optional
onPhoneNumberChange = { phoneNumber, isValid -> }, // optional
initialSelectedCountryRegionCode: String = SupportedCountry.Algeria.regionCode // optional
countriesBackDropList: CountryCodeListType = CountryCodeListType.SupportedCounties // optional
countryBackdropTitle: String = "", // optional
backdropHintText: Int? = R.string.country_backdrop_hint, // optional
searchBackdropPlaceholder: String? = null,
onHintClick = { /* action */ } // optional,
onImeAction = { /* action */ } // optional,
onCountrySelected = null // optional,
- with an Mixed countries list and unsupported initial country
val countryGermany = SimpleCountry(regionCode = "DE", countryName = "Germany")
val listOfCountries = listOf(
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
hint = "Phone Number can't be empty!", // optional
hasError = true, // optional
hasLabel = true, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
phoneNumber = "", // optional
isCountrySelectionEnabled = true, // optional
countriesList = SupportedCountries.entries, // optional
onPhoneNumberChange = { phoneNumber, isValid -> }, // optional
initialSelectedCountryRegionCode: String = countryGermany.regionCode // optional
countriesBackDropList: CountryCodeListType = CountryCodeListType.MixedCountries(listOfCountries) // optional
countryBackdropTitle: String = "", // optional
backdropHintText: Int? = R.string.country_backdrop_hint, // optional
searchBackdropPlaceholder: String? = null,
onHintClick = { /* action */ } // optional,
onImeAction = { /* action */ } // optional,
For more details visit Phone Input documentation
Search Input Field #
label = "Search", // optional
value = "text",
onValueChange = { newValue -> },
enabled = false, // optional
modifier = modifier, // optional
placeholder = "Search", // optional
hint = "This is a hint text to help user.", // optional
- For more details visit Search Input documentation
Text Area Field #
text = "text",
onValueChange = { },
enabled = true,
hasError = false,
showScrollBars = false, // optional
placeholder = stringResource(R.string.placeholder_text), // optional
hint = if (hasHint) stringResource(R.string.hint_text) // optional
For more details visit Text Area Input documentation
Time Input Field #
modifier: Modifier = Modifier, // optional
initialValue: Date? = null, // optional
enabled: Boolean = true, // optional
hasError: Boolean = false, // optional
label: String? = null, // optional
hint: String? = null, // optional
timeSelectionProperties: timeFieldSelectionProperties, // optional
onTimeChanged: (Date) -> Unit = {selectedTime -> },
val timeFieldSelectionProperties = TimeFieldSelectionProperties(
timeFormat = TimeFormat.HOUR_24,
minutesIncrement = TimeMinutesIncrement.ONE,
startTime = Calendar.getInstance(),
fromTime = null,
toTime = null,
titleText = null,
For more details visit Time Input Field documentation
Time Range Input #
modifier: Modifier = Modifier, // optional
label: String? = null, // optional
enabled: Boolean = true, // optional
hasError: Boolean = false, // optional
hint: String? = null, // optional
fromFieldProperties: timeInputFieldProperties, // optional
toFieldProperties: timeInputFieldProperties, // optional
timePickerProperties: timeFieldSelectionProperties, // optional
onTimeChanged: (Date?,Date?) -> Unit = {fromTime,toTime -> },
val timeInputFieldProperties = TimeInputFieldProperties(
initialValue = null,
hasClockIcon = true,
For more details visit Time Range Input documentation
Lists & List Items #
Address List #
val locationsList = repeat((0 until 5).count()) {
name = "Location Name", // optional
address = "Address",
tripTime = "8 min", // optional,
enabled = true // optional
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
locationsList = locationsList,
notesHint = "Enter your notes to the driver here", // optional
onNotesFieldChange = { newNotes -> } // optional
- For more details visit Address List documentation
Checkout List Item #
countNumber = 2,
label = "Label",
description = "Description" // optional,
regularPriceText = "7000" // optional,
discountPriceText = "8000" // optional,
regularPriceCurrency = "DZD" // optional,
discountPriceCurrency = "DZD" // optional,
chipElements = listOf(
ChipItem(text = "Item 1", iconResourceId = DrawableR.ic_coins_hand),
ChipItem(text = "Sample Item 2", isSelected = true),
ChipItem(text = "Item 3", DrawableR.ic_coins_hand),
ChipItem(text = "Sample Item 4"),
) // optional,
For more details visit Checkout List Item documentation
List Item #
- List item
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
title = "Sample Title",
description = "description",
leading = LeadingElementType.Icon(
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_coins_hand,
tint = YassirTheme.colors.labelNeutralDefault,
), // optional
trailing = TrailingElementType.CheckBox(
selectionState = trailingCheckBoxState,
onClick = {},
), // optional
description = "description", // optional
upperDescription = "upperDescription", // optional
locale = currentLocale(), // optional
onClickLabel = "", // optional
isSelected = true, // optional
isEnabled = true, // optional
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context, "List Item was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} // optional
- Item with a transaction data
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
title = "Item Title",
description = "description", // optional
formattedAmount = "1000$",
transactionStatus = TransactionStatus.None, // optional
transactionDateTime = Date(), // optional
transactionType = TransactionType.Pending, // optional
leading = LeadingElementType.Icon(
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_coins_hand,
tint = YassirTheme.colors.labelNeutralDefault,
), // optional
trailing = TrailingElementType.CheckBox(
selectionState = trailingCheckBoxState,
onClick = {},
), // optional
locale = currentLocale(), // optional
currencyHidden = true, // optional
size = ListItemSize.Medium, // optional
upperDescription = "upperDescription", // optional
onClickLabel = "", // optional
isSelected = true, // optional
isEnabled = true, // optional
onClick = {
Toast.makeText(context, "List Item was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} // optional
- For more details visit List Item documentation
Price List #
- Primary Price List with Total Element
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
listItems = listOf(
label = "Label",
price = "10",
currency = "DZD",
totalElement = TotalPriceListElement(
label = "Total",
price = "4000",
currency = "DZD"
), // optional
type = PriceListType.Primary,
onClick = { value -> /* action */ },
- Icon Price List
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
modifier = Modifier,
listItems = listOf(
label = "Label",
price = "10",
currency = "DZD",
iconRes = R.drawable.image
totalElement = null, // optional
type = PriceListType.Icon,
onClick = { value -> /* action */ },
- For more details visit Price List documentation
Selectors List #
- Selectors List with RadioButton
selectorsListLeadingElementType = SelectorsListRadioButton(
modifier = Modifier, // optional
selectedItemIndex = 0, // optional
items = listOf(
label = "Label",
priceText = "10",
currencyText = "DZD",
iconRes = R.drawable.image,
isEnabled = true // optional
isPreselected = true // optional
isGroupEnabled = isEnabled,
onItemSelection = { value -> /* action */ },
- Selectors List with Checkbox
selectorsListLeadingElementType = SelectorsListCheckBox(
modifier = Modifier, // optional
items = listOf(
label = "Label",
priceText = "10",
currencyText = "DZD",
iconRes = R.drawable.image,
isEnabled = true, // optional
isPreselected = true // optional
isGroupEnabled = isEnabled,
onStateChange = { checkBoxGroupState -> /* action */}, // optional
- For more details visit Selectors List documentation
Map Pin #
- Label type
mapPinType = MapPinType.Label(
caption = "caption text",
body = "body",
subtitle = "subtitle",
showIcon = true
mapPinDirection = MapPinDirection.Up, // optional
mapPinCardColor = MapPinCardColor.Primary // optional
- Avatar type
mapPinType = MapPinType.Avatar(
imageUrl = "", // optional
resourceId = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_user) // optional,
mapPinDirection = MapPinDirection.Up, // optional
mapPinCardColor = MapPinCardColor.Primary // optional
- Dot type
mapPinType = MapPinType.Dot,
mapPinDirection = MapPinDirection.Up, // optional
mapPinCardColor = MapPinCardColor.Primary // optional
- Icon type
mapPinType = MapPinType.Icon.Loading,
mapPinDirection = MapPinDirection.Up, // optional
mapPinCardColor = MapPinCardColor.Primary // optional
- For more details visit Map Pin documentation
Modal #
- Empty State Modal
val modalType = ModalType.EmptyState(
illustrationResIds = listOf(
resId = DrawableR.system_verified,
message = "Title",
description = "This Is description"
isSecondaryButtonNegative = false, // optional - add as true for a negative or destructive secondary button
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
modalType = modalType,
onDismiss = { /* action */ },
colors = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = { /* action */ }
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = { /* action */ }
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Terniary Action",
onClick = { /* action */ }
) // optional
- Slot Modal
val modalType = ModalType.Slot(
slot = /* @Composable */,
isSecondaryButtonNegative = false, // optional - add as true for a negative or destructive secondary button
modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
modalType = modalType,
onDismiss = { /* action */ },
colors = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
primaryAction = Action(
text = "Primary Action",
onClick = { /* action */ }
), // optional
secondaryAction = Action(
text = "Secondary Action",
onClick = { /* action */ }
), // optional
tertiaryAction = Action(
text = "Terniary Action",
onClick = { /* action */ }
) // optional
- For more details visit Modal documentation
Modifiers #
HorizontalScrollbar #
internal fun HorizontalScrollbarPreview() {
val state = rememberScrollState()
modifier = Modifier
) {
repeat(50) {
text = (it + 1).toString(),
modifier = Modifier
.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1, vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2)
VerticalScrollbar #
internal fun VerticalScrollbarPreview() {
val state = rememberScrollState()
modifier = Modifier
) {
repeat(50) {
text = (it + 1).toString(),
modifier = Modifier
LazyListScrollbar - Horizontal #
internal fun LazyListScrollbarPreview() {
val state = rememberLazyListState()
modifier = Modifier.drawHorizontalScrollbar(state),
state = state
) {
items(50) {
text = "Item ${it + 1}",
modifier = Modifier
LazyListScrollbar - Vertical #
internal fun LazyListScrollbarPreview() {
val state = rememberLazyListState()
modifier = Modifier.drawVerticalScrollbar(state),
state = state
) {
items(50) {
text = "Item ${it + 1}",
modifier = Modifier
Shadow - elevation #
modifier = Modifier
shape = RoundedCornerShape(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1),
shadowPosition = ShadowPosition.Bottom)
shape = RoundedCornerShape(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1)
horizontal = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1_5,
vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1
) {}
Test Prefix #
Use the modifier extension method kotlin withTextPrefix
to add your unique identifier prefix to the test tag of the component itself and all its subcomponents
modifier = Modifier.withTestPrefix("checkout_screen") // optional
regularPriceText = "6000 DZD",
discountPriceText = "7000 DZD", // optional
priceLayoutDirection = PriceLayoutDirection.Vertical, // optional
priceSize = PriceSize.Large // optional
- For more details visit Modifiers documentation
Price #
- Vertical Large Price
regularPriceText = "6000 DZD",
discountPriceText = "7000 DZD", // optional
priceLayoutDirection = PriceLayoutDirection.Vertical, // optional
priceSize = PriceSize.Large // optional
- Horizontal Small Price
regularPriceText = "6000 DZD",
discountPriceText = "7000 DZD", // optional
priceLayoutDirection = PriceLayoutDirection.Horizontal, // optional
priceSize = PriceSize.Small // optional
- Horizontal Large Price with no discount price
regularPriceText = "6000 DZD",
priceLayoutDirection = PriceLayoutDirection.Horizontal, // optional
priceSize = PriceSize.Large // optional
- For more details visit Price documentation
Profile Photo #
- Image Profile
modifier = Modifier, // optional
imageUrl = "", // optional
resourceId = R.drawable.ic_avatar, // optional
size = ProfileSize.Small,
withBorder = false, // optional
badge = { } // optional
- Icon Profile
modifier = Modifier, // optional
size = ProfileSize.Medium,
withBorder = false, // optional
badge = { } // optional
- Initials Profile
name = "Foo Bar",
modifier = Modifier, // optional
size = ProfileSize.Large,
withBorder = false, // optional
badge = { }, // optional
hasTwoInitials = false, // optional
Badge is a lambda that returns a composable that will be displayed on the bottom right corner of the profile photo.
Verified Badge
Edit Badge Has onEditBadgeClick parameter that is a lambda that will be called when the edit badge is clicked.
EditBadge(onEditBadgeClick = null)
- For more details visit Profile Photo documentation
Progress Bar #
- Linear ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "2/5",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Default,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- Circular ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "2/5",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Default,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Circular,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- Large ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "2/5",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Default,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- Small ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "25%",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Default,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Small,//optional
- Secondary ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "25%",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Secondary,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- Positive ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "25%",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Positive,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- Negative ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "25%",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Negative,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- Warning ProgressBar
progress = 25f,
label = "25%",//optional
style = ProgressBarStyle.Warning,//optional
type = ProgressBarType.Linear,//optional
size = ProgressBarSize.Large,//optional
- For more details visit ProgressBar documentation
Rating Bar #
var rating by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(0f) }
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp),
onRatingChange = { newRating -> rating = newRating }
- For more details check RatingBar documentation
Scrollbar #
- LazyListState Fast Scrolling component
val numbers = (1..100).toList()
val scrollableState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val scrollbarState: ScrollbarState =
scrollableState.scrollbarState(itemsAvailable = numbers.size)
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
state = scrollableState,
) {
items(items = numbers) { number ->
//any item
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 2.dp)
state = scrollbarState,
orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
onThumbMoved = scrollableState.rememberDraggableScroller(itemsAvailable = numbers.size)
- LazyListState Regular Scrolling component
val numbers = (1..100).toList()
val scrollableState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val scrollbarState: ScrollbarState =
scrollableState.scrollbarState(itemsAvailable = numbers.size)
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
state = scrollableState,
) {
items(items = numbers) { number ->
//any item
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 2.dp)
state = scrollbarState,
orientation = Orientation.Vertical
- LazyListState Modifier Scrolling
val state = rememberLazyListState()
modifier = Modifier.drawVerticalScrollbar(state),
state = state
) {
items(50) {
text = "Item ${it + 1}",
modifier = Modifier
- ScrollState Regular Scrolling component
val state: ScrollState = rememberScrollState()
val scrollbarState: ScrollbarState = state.scrollbarState()
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
modifier = Modifier
) {
repeat(100) { index ->
Text(text = "Item $index", style = YassirTheme.typography.heading1)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2))
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 2.dp)
state = scrollbarState,
orientation = Orientation.Vertical
- ScrollState Modifier Scrolling
val state = rememberScrollState()
modifier = Modifier
) {
repeat(50) {
text = (it + 1).toString(),
modifier = Modifier
.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1, vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2)
- For more details visit Scrollbar documentation
Selectors #
- Checkbox and ChecboxGroup
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1_5), // optional
onSelectedChange = {},
title = "title", // optional
description = "description", // optional
isSelected = false, // optional
isEnabled = false // optional
modifier = Modifier, // optional
onStateChange = {checkBoxGroupState -> },
topLevelCheckbox = IndeterminateCheckboxItem(
title = "Toppings",
description = "All the toppings"
checkboxes = listOf(
CheckboxItem(title = "Pepperoni", description = "spicy salami seasoned with paprika"),
CheckboxItem(title = "Extra cheese", description = "extra cheese on your pizza!"),
CheckboxItem(title = "Olives", description = "delicious black olives")
isGroupEnabled = true // optional
- Radio Group
modifier = Modifier, // optional
onItemSelection = { intValue -> },
items = leadingRadioGroupList,
selectedItemIndex = 0, // optional
isGroupEnabled = true // optional
- For more details visit Selectors documentation
Skeleton (Shimmer Layout) #
- Circular
var isLoading by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val customSize = Size(width = 50F, height = 50F)
val isRtl = LocalLayoutDirection.current == LayoutDirection.Rtl
modifier = Modifier.shimmerEffect(
isLoading = isLoading,
skeletonShape = SkeletonShape.Circular(
size = customSize // optional
), // optional
isRtl = isRtl
text = "genericText"
- Rectangular
var isLoading by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val customSize = Size(width = 50F, height = 50F)
val isRtl = LocalLayoutDirection.current == LayoutDirection.Rtl
modifier = Modifier.shimmerEffect(
isLoading = isLoading,
skeletonShape = SkeletonShape.Rectangular(
rounderCornerSize = 4.dp, // optional
size = customSize // optional
), // optional
isRtl = isRtl
text = "genericText"
- List Item
var isLoading by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val customSize = Size(width = 350F, height = 100F)
val isRtl = LocalLayoutDirection.current == LayoutDirection.Rtl
modifier = Modifier.shimmerEffect(
isLoading = isLoading,
skeletonShape = SkeletonShape.ListItem(
hasImagePlaceholder = false, // optional
size = customSize // optional
), // optional
isRtl = isRtl
text = "genericText"
- For more details visit Skeleton documentation
Slider #
- Simple Slider without label
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2) // optional
value = sliderValue,
onValueChange = { newValue -> sliderValue = newValue },
valueRange = 0f..10f, // optional
step = 1, // optional
enabled = isEnabled, // optional
- Simple Slider with label - has a value sign
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2) // optional
value = sliderValue,
onValueChange = { newValue -> sliderValue = newValue },
valueRange = 0f..10f, // optional
step = 1, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
labelData = SliderLabelData(
text = "GenericText",
symbol = "\$" // optional
), // optional
- Simple Slider with label - has no value sign
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2) // optional
value = sliderValue,
onValueChange = { newValue -> sliderValue = newValue },
valueRange = 0f..10f, // optional
step = 1, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
labelData = SliderLabelData(
text = "GenericText",
), // optional
- Dashed Slider with ticks
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2) // optional
value = sliderValue,
onValueChange = { newValue -> sliderValue = newValue },
valueRange = 0f..10f, // optional
step = 1, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
labelData = SliderLabelData(
text = "GenericText",
symbol = "\$" // optional
), // optional
isDashed = true, // optional
- Dashed Slider with ticks and indicator labels
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2) // optional
value = sliderValue,
onValueChange = { newValue -> sliderValue = newValue },
valueRange = 0f..10f, // optional
step = 1, // optional
enabled = true, // optional
labelData = SliderLabelData(
text = "GenericText",
symbol = "\$" // optional
), // optional
isDashed = true, // optional
showDashedLabels = hasDashLabels, // optional
- For more details visit Slider documentation
Snackbar #
message = "This is a snackbar message",
actionLabel = "Retry", // optional, displays an action button if provided
onActionClick = { /* Handle retry action */ }, // optional, called when the action button is clicked
iconResId = R.drawable.ic_alert_circle, // optional, displays an icon if a drawable resource ID is provided
displayDuration = 5000L, // optional, default is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)
onDismiss = { /* Handle snackbar dismiss */ } // optional, called when the snackbar is dismissed,
action2Label = "Undo", // optional second action, displays an action button if provided,
onAction2Click = { /* Handle undo action */ }, // optional, called when the second action button is clicked
- For more details visit Snackbar documentation
Steppers #
Stepper #
- Vertical Stepper
fun StepperExample() {
val currentStepIsError = false
val stepsAreNumbered = false
val includeDescription = true
modifier = Modifier, // optional
steps = getStepsList(
isHorizontal = false
private fun getStepsList(
currentStepIsError: Boolean,
stepsAreNumbered: Boolean,
includeDescription: Boolean,
noOfSteps: Int = defaultNoOfSteps,
) = buildList {
(1..noOfSteps).forEach {
val status = when (it) {
noOfSteps -> StepStatus.Remaining
noOfSteps - 1 -> if (currentStepIsError) StepStatus.Error else StepStatus.Current
else -> StepStatus.Completed
text = "Step $it",
description = if (includeDescription) "Desc" else null, // optional
status = status,
number = it, // optional
iconResId = if (!stepsAreNumbered) R.drawable.ic_map_mark else null, // optional
iconContentDesc = "Step $it" // optional
- Horizontal Stepper
fun StepperExample() {
val currentStepIsError = true
val stepsAreNumbered = true
val includeDescription = false
modifier = Modifier, // optional
steps = getStepsList(
isHorizontal = true
private fun getStepsList(
currentStepIsError: Boolean,
stepsAreNumbered: Boolean,
includeDescription: Boolean,
noOfSteps: Int = defaultNoOfSteps,
) = buildList {
(1..noOfSteps).forEach {
val status = when (it) {
noOfSteps -> StepStatus.Remaining
noOfSteps - 1 -> if (currentStepIsError) StepStatus.Error else StepStatus.Current
else -> StepStatus.Completed
text = "Step $it",
description = if (includeDescription) "Desc" else null, // optional
status = status,
number = it, // optional
iconResId = if (!stepsAreNumbered) R.drawable.ic_map_mark else null, // optional
iconContentDesc = "Step $it" // optional
For more details visit Stepper documentation
Progress Stepper #
modifier = Modifier,
numberOfCompletedSteps = 3,
totalSteps = 5,
stepSize = ProgressStepperSize.Medium,
showCompletedLabel = true,
For more details visit Progress Stepper documentation
Switches (Toggle) #
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1), //optional
enabled = true, //optional
checked = true,
isIconVisible = true, //optional
title = "on", //optional
onToggle = { checked = checked.not() },
- For more details visit Switches documentation
Tabs #
modifier = Modifier, // optional
selectedTabIndex = 0,
tabsList = listOf(
isEnabled = true,
text = "Tab Text",
isBadgePresent = true,
badgeText = "1",
onClick = { /* action */ }
isEnabled = true,
text = "Tab Text",
isBadgePresent = false,
onClick = { /* action */ }
type = TabType.Default(isScrollable = true),
colors = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
badgeStyleType = BadgeStyleType.Primary // optional
- For more details visit Tabs documentation
Tag #
- Neutral Tag
NeutralTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.Small // optional
- Positive Tag
PositiveTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.Medium // optional
- Negative Tag
NegativelTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.Large // optional
- Warning Tag
WarningTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.ExtraLarge // optional
- Informative Tag
InformativeTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.Medium // optional
- Primary Tag
PrimaryTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.Large // optional
- Secondary Tag
SecondaryTag (
modifier = Modifier, // optional
text = text, // optional
isAlternativeStyle = false, // optional
startIconResId = DrawableR.ic_alert_circle, // optional
isElevated = true, // optional
size = YassirTagSize.Small // optional
- For more details visit Tags documentation
Titled Section #
title = "title",
modifier = Modifier, // optional
subtitle = "subtitle", // optional
caption = "caption", // optional
description = "description", // optional
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.Start, // optional
variant = TitledSectionVariant.Level1, // optional
- For more details visit Titled Section documentation
Toast #
val toast = Toast(context)
modifier = Modifier,
message = "Message to show"
onClick = {
text = "Show Toast"
- For more details visit Toast documentation
Tooltip #
text = "Tooltip text",
supportingText = "Supporting text goes here.", // optional
arrowDirection = ArrowDirection.Top, // optional
dotColor = YassirTheme.colors.labelNeutralDefault, // optional
invertedColors = false // optional
- For more details visit Tooltip documentation
Top Bar #
- Top Bar with Textual Button Action and Title Content
contentType = TopBarContentType.Title(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
ratingText = "4.5"
actionType = TopBarActionType.Button(
text = "Button",
onClick = { /* action */ }
showBackground = true, // optional
leadingIconClick = { /* action */ } // optional
- Top Bar With Actions Bar Action and Address Content
contentType = TopBarContentType.Address(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
actionType = TopBarActionType.Actions(
firstAction = TopBarAction(
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_plus,
onClick = { /* action */ }
secondAction = TopBarAction(
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_lock,
onClick = { /* action */ }
thirdAction = TopBarAction(
iconRes = DrawableR.ic_coins_hand,
onClick = { /* action */ }
showBackground = true, // optional
leadingIconClick = { /* action */ } // optional
- Top Bar with Avatar Action and Search Input Content
contentType = TopBarContentType.Search(
value = "",
placeholder = "Search",
onValueChange = { /* action */ },
actionType = TopBarActionType.Avatar(
imageUrl = "",
onClick = {/* action */}
showBackground = true, // optional
leadingIconClick = { /* action */ } // optional
- Top Bar with Switch Action and Dropdown Input Content
contentType = TopBarContentType.DropDown(
label = "Button",
onClick = { /* action */ }
actionType = TopBarActionType.Switch(
checked = true,
enabled = true,
title = "ON",
onToggle = { /* action */ }
showBackground = true, // optional
leadingIconClick = { /* action */ } // optional
- Top Bar with Slot Action and Title Content
contentType = TopBarContentType.Title(
title = "Title",
subtitle = "Subtitle",
ratingText = "4.5"
actionType = TopBarActionType.Slot(
slot = { TopBarSlot() }
showBackground = true, // optional
leadingIconClick = { /* action */ } // optional
- For more details visit Top Bar documentation