Sefar by Yassir

Welcome to Sefar by Yassir!

Migrate from Sefar 0.2.6 to 0.2.7 #

Below is presented the list of the breaking changes which may effect the consumers of the library

Snackbar changes: #

The Snackbar size has been removed, now it has a fixed height of 44.dp, in adddition, the Snackbar now can accept two actions rather than only one action.

Snackbar Before #
    modifier = Modifier, // optional: passed as is
    message = "Message to show to users", // set the snackbar message
    actionLabel = null, // optional
    onActionClick = {}, // optional
    iconResId = null, // optional,
    size = SnackbarSize.Medium, //optional
    displayDuration = 5000L, // optional
    onDismiss = {}, // optional
Snackbar After #
    modifier = Modifier, // optional: passed as is
    message = "Message to show to users", // set the snackbar message
    actionLabel = null, // optional
    onActionClick = {}, // optional
    iconResId = null, // optional,
    displayDuration = 5000L, // optional
    onDismiss = {}, // optional,
    action2Label = null, // optional
    onAction2Click = {}, // optional

LineChart changes: #

  • AxisValue & Dataset classes that are used as property types in LineChart have changed locations so you might want to remove their imports and add them again correctly.

SizeConstants object removed: #

The class SizeConstants is no longer available for consumers of Sefar. Please only consider using spacings supported in our theme example: YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1 and if you don´t find a value in our supported spacings that is the same size you need then the size you´re looking for is not supported by Sefar so in that case please add it to your own code base as a constant.

Migrate from Sefar 0.2.5 to 0.2.6 #

Below is presented the list of the breaking changes which may effect the consumers of the library

Code Input changes: #

Please note that the valid types of codeType property have been changed for PIN code and OTP code. Please see below examples:

PIN CODE Before #
  modifier = Modifier, // optional
  codeType = CodeType.PIN_CODE,
  label = "PIN Code", // optional
  isError = false, // optional
  isEnabled = true, // optional
  clearCode = false, // optional
  autoFocus = true, // optional
  codeLength = CodeInputDefaults.LENGTH, // optional
  spaceBetweenCodeCells = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2, // optional
  hint = AnnotatedString(hintText), // optional
  onHintClick = {}, // optional
  resetErrorState = {}, // optional
  onCodeFilled = { code ->
    /* handle entered PIN code */
  colors = YassirTheme.colors // optional
PIN CODE After #
  modifier = Modifier, // optional
  codeType = CodeType.PinCode,
  label = "PIN Code", // optional
  isError = false, // optional
  isEnabled = true, // optional
  clearCode = false, // optional
  autoFocus = true, // optional
  codeLength = CodeInputDefaults.LENGTH, // optional
  spaceBetweenCodeCells = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing2, // optional
  hint = AnnotatedString(hintText), // optional
  onHintClick = {}, // optional
  resetErrorState = {}, // optional
  onCodeFilled = { code ->
    /* handle entered PIN code */
  colors = YassirTheme.colors // optional
OTP CODE Before #
  modifier = Modifier
    .padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing4), // optional
  codeType = CodeType.OTP_CODE,
  isError = false, // optional
  isEnabled = true, // optional
  clearCode = false, // optional
  autoFocus = true, // optional
  codeLength = 6, // optional
  spaceBetweenCodeCells = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1_5, // optional
  hint = AnnotatedString(hintText), // optional
  onHintClick = {}, // optional
  resetErrorState = { isError = false }, // optional
  onCodeFilled = { code ->
    /* handle entered OTP code */
  colors = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
  label = "OTP Code" // optional
OTP CODE Before #
  modifier = Modifier
    .padding(top = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing4), // optional
  codeType = CodeType.OtpCode(
    initialCode = "456757" //optional
  isError = false, // optional
  isEnabled = true, // optional
  clearCode = false, // optional
  autoFocus = true, // optional
  codeLength = 6, // optional
  spaceBetweenCodeCells = YassirTheme.spacing.spacing1_5, // optional
  hint = AnnotatedString(hintText), // optional
  onHintClick = {}, // optional
  resetErrorState = { isError = false }, // optional
  onCodeFilled = { code ->
    /* handle entered OTP code */
  colors = YassirTheme.colors, // optional
  label = "OTP Code" // optional

Migrate from Sefar 0.2.3 to 0.2.5 #

Below is presented the list of the breaking changes which may effect the consumers of the library

Time Picker changes: #

File has been moved and properties of the component have been combined under ´TimePickerProperties´ object, so re-add the import and check the following example:

Before #
    timeFormat = if (is24HFormat) TimeFormat.HOUR_24 else TimeFormat.AM_PM,
    minutesIncrement = minutesIncrement,
    onDismissRequest = { onShowDialogChange(false) },
    onApply = { uno ->
    onSnappedTime = { uno, _ -> uno.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) },
    onCancel = { onShowDialogChange(false) }
After #
    modifier = Modifier.withTestPrefix("time_picker_screen"),
    timePickerProperties = TimePickerProperties(
        timeFormat = if (is24HFormat) TimeFormat.HOUR_24 else TimeFormat.AM_PM,
        minutesIncrement = minutesIncrement,
        onSnappedTime = { uno, _ -> uno.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) },
    onDismissRequest = { onShowDialogChange(false) },
    onApply = { uno ->
    onCancel = { onShowDialogChange(false) }

Bottom Navigation Bar changes #

Properties have been changed:

Before #
  list = bottomNavigationBarList,
  initialSelectedItemIndex = 1, // optional
  colors = YassirColorScheme.colors // optional
After #
  list = bottomNavigationBarList,
  selectedItemIndex = 1, // optional
  onItemSelected = { }

Migrate from Sefar to 0.2.3 #

Below is presented the list of the breaking changes which may effect the consumers of the library

Phone Input changes: #

  1. Added arguments to customize Country Backdrop in Phone Input, like “countryBackdropTitle”, “searchBackdropPlaceholder” “backdropHintText”
  2. Changed the logic of passing the initial selected country - now it is needed to pass a String with Region Code
  3. Changed logic of setting a list of countries for the Phone Input. Now it is divided into 3 different lists, more about it usages and the definition of the types can be found in the Sefar Phone Input documentation

Before: #

  modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
  hint = "Phone Number can't be empty!", // optional
  hasError = true, // optional
  hasLabel = true, // optional
  enabled = true, // optional
  phoneNumber = "", // optional
  isCountrySelectionEnabled = true, // optional
  countriesList = SupportedCountries.entries, // optional
  onPhoneNumberChange = { phoneNumber, isValid -> }, // optional
  initialSelectedCountry = SupportedCountry.ALgeria, // optional
  onHintClick = { /* action */ } // optional,
  onImeAction = { /* action */ } // optional,

After #

  modifier = Modifier.padding(YassirTheme.spacing.spacing3), // optional
  hint = "Phone Number can't be empty!", // optional
  hasError = true, // optional
  hasLabel = true, // optional
  enabled = true, // optional
  phoneNumber = "", // optional
  isCountrySelectionEnabled = true, // optional
  countriesList = SupportedCountries.entries, // optional
  onPhoneNumberChange = { phoneNumber, isValid -> }, // optional
  initialSelectedCountryRegionCode: String = SupportedCountry.Algeria.regionCode // optional
  countriesBackDropList: CountryCodeListType = CountryCodeListType.SupportedCounties // optional
  countryBackdropTitle: String = "", // optional
  backdropHintText: Int? = R.string.country_backdrop_hint, // optional
  searchBackdropPlaceholder: String? = null,
  onHintClick = { /* action */ } // optional,
  onImeAction = { /* action */ } // optional,

Map Pin changes: #

  1. YassirMapPin name is changed to MapPin


fun YassirMapPin(
    mapPinType: MapPinType,
    mapPinDirection: MapPinDirection = MapPinDirection.Up,
    mapPinComponentColor: MapPinComponentColor = MapPinComponentColor.Primary


fun MapPin(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    mapPinType: MapPinType,
    mapPinDirection: MapPinDirection = MapPinDirection.Up,
    mapPinComponentColor: MapPinComponentColor = MapPinComponentColor.Primary

Action changes: #

  1. Action name changed to Button Action used in Backdrop and Modal


fun Modal(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    modalType: ModalType,
    colors: YassirColorScheme = YassirTheme.colors,
    primaryAction: Action? = null,
    secondaryAction: Action? = null,
    tertiaryAction: Action? = null,
    onDismiss: () -> Unit,


fun Modal(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    modalType: ModalType,
    colors: YassirColorScheme = YassirTheme.colors,
    primaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    secondaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    tertiaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    onDismiss: () -> Unit,

Backdrop #


fun Backdrop(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    backDropType: BackdropType,
    backdropHeaderItem: BackdropHeaderItem? = null,
primaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    secondaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    tertiaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    isVisible: Boolean = false,
    screenState: ScreenState = ScreenState.Contained(),
    windowInsets: WindowInsets = BottomSheetDefaults.windowInsets,
    sheetState: SheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(skipPartiallyExpanded = true),
    onDismissRequest: () -> Unit


fun Backdrop(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    backDropType: BackdropType,
    backdropHeaderItem: BackdropHeaderItem? = null,
    primaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    secondaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    tertiaryAction: ButtonAction? = null,
    isVisible: Boolean = false,
    screenState: ScreenState = ScreenState.Contained(),
    windowInsets: WindowInsets = BottomSheetDefaults.windowInsets,
    sheetState: SheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(skipPartiallyExpanded = true),
    onDismissRequest: () -> Unit